Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Security personnel rely on background screening for new hires
Without a national database from which to retrieve information, and with no such system likely to be put in place any time soon, security and human resources personnel are relying on background screeners and their network of researchers to comb court documents and determine whether potential employees meet a company's hiring criteria. Read more

Who is checking the background checkers?
Some 80 percent of employers now require background checks for all potential employees, according to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC), a consumer rights advocacy group in San Diego…. But what if a background check is in error? Read more

Day Care Background Checks in Backlog
After pre-schools and daycares hire teachers, they have to pass a background check if they're going to stay on the job. The process is supposed to be quick so that teachers with trouble in their past can be fired before they do any more damage. But the state agency handling the background checks is badly backlogged. The result is long delays. Read more

Football camps didn't check most workers
Six employees of the University of Colorado's youth football camp had criminal records that weren't discovered until after the camps had occurred - including one convicted of misdemeanor child abuse, according to a state audit released Monday.Read more

Church requiring background check for all personnel
When the New Year arrives, every member of the staff at the United Methodist Church of La Mirada and every Sunday School teacher, counselor and volunteer will have undergone a background check. It's just one of the policies instituted by the La Mirada church and all of the United Methodist churches in Southern California, Guam, Hawaii and Saipan as part of an effort to stem any sex abuse scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church from occurring in United Methodist churches. Read more